Archives for Lead Abatement

The Shocking Truth About Lead in American Schools

More than 40 years after the 1978 ban on the use of lead-based paint in housing, millions of American children are being exposed to lead on a regular basis. “An estimated 15.2 million children in the U.S. go to schools in school districts that [have] lead-based paint,” reports The Conversation. This exposure to lead is occuring about 7 hours per day and five days per week. 

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Abatement vs. Remediation: What’s the Difference and Which is Right for You?

When you have hazardous materials in a house, commercial structure or even in soil or groundwater, you are facing a safety risk. Pollutants like lead, asbestos and mold can be hazardous to anyone who comes onto the property. These hazards must be dealt with, and they must be dealt with correctly.

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5 Reasons Why Lead Abatement Matters

When it comes to having a healthy place to live or work, lead abatement is a key factor in making sure that happens. The element can be found in many older structures where lead-based paint was commonly used in construction along with other potentially hazardous materials such as asbestos. Removing lead-based materials safely and properly from any building is vital to any demolition or construction project. Here’s why:

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What is Lead Abatement?

What is Lead Abatement?

For those unfamiliar with lead abatement, it is the safe removal of lead-based paint hazards. Unfortunately, lead was a popular ingredient in paint for many years, before it was known that this material is linked to a wide range of health problems. Today, it’s common for buildings and infrastructures to remove the lead via lead abatement.

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