
The Two Forms of Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation refers to reducing radiation exposure from groundwater, surface water or contaminated soil. This type of remediation does more than eliminate radiation sources — it protects people and the environment from the harmful effects of exposure to radiation. Environmental remediation is divided into the following two categories. 

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4 Methods of Demolishing a Building

Without giving it much thought, you’d likely assume that constructing a building takes much more planning and effort than demolishing a building. You’d be surprised, however, to learn about the engineering expertise required to safely and effectively demolish a building. Below are four methods of demolishing buildings a few stories tall and massive skyscrapers. Prepare to have your mind blown.

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How is Construction Waste Disposed?

Disposing of construction waste is an essential part of demolishing a building and making room for the construction of a new building. Some of the waste is considered hazardous, or materials that pose known risks to human health and the environment. The process of identifying, removing, handling and disposing of suspected hazardous materials is managed by specialty contractors familiar with waste disposal regulations.

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What is Biophilic Design?

Over many millennia, in response to changes in human lifestyles, architecture and interior design have undergone many evolutions in aesthetics, composition, structure and function. Depending on the geographic location, culture and the specific time period, homes and buildings varied — and continue to vary — widely. Despite these many differences that still exist today, one type of design, biophilic design, is being embraced around the world.

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The Shocking Truth About Lead in American Schools

More than 40 years after the 1978 ban on the use of lead-based paint in housing, millions of American children are being exposed to lead on a regular basis. “An estimated 15.2 million children in the U.S. go to schools in school districts that [have] lead-based paint,” reports The Conversation. This exposure to lead is occuring about 7 hours per day and five days per week. 

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